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Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Hot for Profit

The documentaries below reveal the parts of reality that we are not suppose to talk about; the parts of reality that contradict common sense, but still go on unquestioned by the global media cartel and unanswered by our governments. Spread the Word.

"35,000 men, women, and children die due to illnesses that can be prevented. Every 24 hours, 25,000 people die of hunger. 1,000 million live on less than 1 dollar per day. Wars and violence kill 900,000 people per year. Why?"

Hot For Profit is a documentary about poverty in the so-called Third and First Worlds. It analyses both societies from the perspectives of the NGOs, the media, the education, the politicians and the religion, and it challenges the UN eight objectives for the new millennium. Hot For Profit will make you think about your attitude and the potential for change that a single individual may have. The documentary was filmed in Nicaragua and Barcelona (Spain). (Excerpt from main website)

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aliens messing with our minds!

Great thinkers and quotations

Click on the picture to see the quotation more clearly....YOU will be amazed to know what they say just because they are somebody,playing god!

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Beautiful Gemstones

These gemstones are beautiful and carved with words that really influence you with good energy and positive attitude.The gems have energy absorved as the universe or the earth it self is full of energy,We ourselves are full of energy.

More Beautiful Gemstones here

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Friday, 21 May 2010

Money isn't everything but it.................

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The Illuminati

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"This is a giant geopsychopolitical picture and things are happening with the use of subliminal indirect reverse psychological propaganda. It's made to be confusing by the evilarchy that controls not only the United States but Britain. This Illuminati, this group who calls themselves the enlightened ones, had gained positions of power through control of the banking system." –Anthony J. Hilder
Billions of people on planet earth are living in ignorance. Before your very eyes, politicians are advancing a global plan. Since the time of Napoleon, secret societies have been influencing politicians to take over and conquer Europe. Now, in the 21st century, their work of ages is coming to fruition. The New World Order is about the centralization of power. It's about silencing any public criticism of the system. It's about commercializing and selling everything as a product. It's about letting China torture students and still allowing them to host the Olympics. It's about closing down government owned schools and hospitals, turning them into apartments, and then letting private companies make profits from teaching your children or selling you drugs. The secret societies and political organizations running the New World Order use various symbols and numbers. Once you learn their secret language, you too will have the All Seeing Eye. (Excerpt from film)


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"In our culture we've been trained for individual differences to stand out, so you look at each person and the immediate opinion is brighter, dumber, older, younger, richer, poorer, and we make all these dimensional distinctions; put em into categories and treat them that way. And we get so that we only see others as separate from ourselves and the ways in which they're separate, and one of the dramatic characteristics of experience is being with another person and suddenly seeing the ways in which they are like you, not different from you. And experiencing the fact that which is essence in you and essence in me is indeed one; the understanding there is no other - it is all one."

Zeitgeist was created as a non-profit filmiac expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are. The information in Zeitgeist was established over a year long period of research and the current Source page on this site lists the basic sources used / referenced. Soon, an Interactive Transcript will be online with detailed footnotes and links so exact sources and further research can be relayed. (Excerpt from main website)

What they won't show you on Television

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What They Won't Show You On Television (taken from spread the word)

Welcome to the Must Watch section. It is our understanding that for a truly democratic society to exist, there must be a free flow of easily accessible information. For the most part (not including heavy censorship in China), the Internet has allowed for this free flow of information to everyone and anyone with access to the internet and it is imperative that this right continues to be protected. Unfortunately, the principle of free flowing information does not exist in the mainstream media because our governments continue to allow large corporations to consolidate the entire media industry. For this reason, many facts, perspectives, and opinions do not make it to our televisions, movie theatres, newspapers, and radio stations.

The documentaries below epitomize the importance of free flowing information and the lack of it in mainstream media. Although the documentaries have been categorized for easier selection, please keep in mind that this was quite a difficult task; not because of the sheer number, but because of the overlapping ideas and themes each documentary has to provide. After all, everything is interconnected.

Please take the time to educate yourself and to educate others about the important issues raised in each of the documentaries. It is important to understand that truth is not a matter of belief, it is a matter of understanding. Spread the Word.

Zeitgiest Addendum

We are seeing how very important it is to bring about in the human mind the radical revolution. The crisis is a crisis in consciousness. A crisis that cannot anymore accept the old norms, the old patterns, the ancient traditions, and considering what the world is now with all the misery, conflict, destructive brutality, aggression, and so on, man is still as he was, is still brutal, violent, aggressive, acquisitive, competitive, and he has built a society along these lines." –Jiddu Krishnamurti

The Zeitgeist Movement is not a political movement. It does not recognize nations, governments, races, religions, creeds or class. Our understandings conclude that these are false, outdated distinctions which are far from positive factors for true collective human growth and potential. Their basis is in power division and stratification, not unity and equality, which is our goal. While it is important to understand that everything in life is a natural progression, we must also acknowledge the reality that the human species has the ability to drastically slow and paralyze progress, through social structures which are out of date, dogmatic, and hence out of line with nature itself. The world you see today, full of war, corruption, elitism, poverty, epidemic disease, human rights abuses, inequality and crime is the result of this paralysis.

This movement is about awareness, in avocation of a fluid evolutionary progress, both personal, social, technological and spiritual. It recognizes that the human species is on a natural path for unification, derived from a communal acknowledgment of fundamental and near empirical understandings of how nature works and how we as humans fit into/are a part of this universal unfolding we call life. While this path does exist, it is unfortunately hindered and not recognized by the great majority of humans, who continue to perpetuate outdated and hence degenerative modes of conduct and association. It is this intellectual irrelevancy which the Zeitgeist Movement hopes to overcome through education and social action.

The goal is to revise our world society in accord with present day knowledge on all levels, not only creating awareness of social and technological possibilities many have been conditioned to think impossible or against "human nature", but also to provide a means to overcome those elements in society which perpetuate these outdated systems.

An important association, upon which many of the ideas of this movement are derived come from an organization called " The Venus Project" directed by social engineer and industrial designer, Jacque Fresco. He has worked nearly his entire life to create the tools needed to assist a design of the world which could eventually eradicate war, poverty, crime, social stratification and corruption. His notions are not radical or complex. They do not impose a subjective interpretation in their formation. In this model, society is created as a mirror of nature, with the variables predefined, inherently. (Excerpt from main website)

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

men and kithchen utensils

Men love to play with kitchen utensils

The easter bunny

Hug time

This time i am going to hug..............


Water to stay healthy

use mouse to open the window

There it works.....

before you complain about your job

Hey can you move a bit..................!

If the government stops funding nasa

If the Government Stops Funding Space Exploration...

Wedding shoes

Look at my wedding shoes,,,cool eh....

Talent contest

Can't say he's got no talent he.....

Friday, 14 May 2010

Canon -Zackkim

This guy is a Korean,Zackkim.Classis version of cannon.See his 2 guitar and 2 hand technique,Awesome.I couldn't play that in a million years.I love this song theme.

Japanese rocker dude!

Some Japanese rocker dude playing some classical Rock.Love the guitar.

Liquid Tension Experiment - Paradigm Shift

This sure seem a Japanese guitar player,by reading his name .He's got the talent.He sure rocks!

Too much for me - Takajii

This guy is japanese guitarist and he sure plays like a pro.His style rock fusion really gets you up in your feet.

"Spirits" from "Guitar Idol 2008"

Not sure who this is but sure got talent.This video is an entry video for the guitar idol 2008.

Paul Gilbert - Technical Difficulties (Racer X)

This one is another of Paul Gilbert's video.It is called the technical difficulties(racer x)Man this really blows my mind away.Truely deserve the title guitar legend.

Paul Gilbert,Scarified

Paul Gilbert is on of the guitar legend and guitar gods.He is an ex Mr Big lead guitarist.After the band was disbanned he went on to release solo albums and guitar albums.This solo is great just as the song name says it Scarified"I am a huge fan of Paul Gilbert

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Damjan Pejcinoski - "Strings on fire" contest * 2nd place *

This guy rocks-Danjan Pejcinoski. This is a video entry for the "Strings on fire" Contest conducted by Herman Li lead guitarist from Dragon Force.This guy won the 2nd place,Bravo!

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Funtwo-cannon rock

This solo was played by a young Korean guy named funtwo(!). Such an early age and he plays like a pro.The music was originally a classical hit by Pachelbel cannon in D major but Jerry C one of the guitar solo players modified it to Rock Version and it really rocks!

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Dream catcher by Jonathan Burgos

Strange Beautiful music by Jonathan Burgos.This solo is deep and cuts right through and makes you wanna hear more and more,i just love it .Great talent.

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Monday, 10 May 2010

Aliens and UFOs

We have all heard about aliens and ufo sightings all over the world.We have seen lots of  movies about it too.Where do they get these ideas? Is it just wild imagination or ....? Some of might think it is a hoax or a lie or entertainment but there are lots of people who think it is real....but wait until you see this video and you will be shocked and amazed.....He talks about things that we can only dream or think in our wildest imagination!

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